PRworks Earns Three Awards at PRSA Central PA Chapter's 2021 Keystone Awards


The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Central Pennsylvania Chapter has presented PRworks with three awards for campaigns completed in 2020-21.

PRworks earned a Keystone Award for a media relations campaign for the play The Hand That Holds The Quill, a Keystone Award for a corporate branding project for Voce, and a Silver Keystone Award for newsletter communications for BJE Poultry.

The awards recognize campaigns that comprised the four-step public relations process (research, planning, implementation and evaluation) and achieved measurable success.

Media Relations for The Hand That Holds The Quill

The Hand That Holds The Quill, an original play written by Cindy Rock Dlugolecki, debuted in the fall of 2021 on the stage of Capital Blue Cross Theatre at Central Penn College in Summerdale, PA. In collaboration with the playwright and production team, PRworks developed a media relations plan to create a public profile for The Hand That Holds The Quill to generate interest in the play’s premier performances and generate ticket sales.

Award judges praised the campaign’s “great media and social media placement.” One judge exclaimed the campaign was “one of the best awards submissions I’ve read. Excellent job on the campaign.”

Read more: Case Study: Campaign Leads to Sold Out Premier of Original Play

“Without the services of PRworks, I doubt The Hand That Holds The Quill would have been sold out. I never could have gotten the extensive media coverage on my own. Emails were always promptly and pleasantly answered with every question addressed. Working with PRworks has been an absolute pleasure and a very wise business decision.”

– Cindy Rock Dlugolecki, Playwright

Corporate Branding for Voce

Family Design Resources (now known as Voce), a nonprofit statewide social services organization based in Harrisburg, PA, had a 20-year history working with agencies and professionals who support children and families throughout Pennsylvania. With a new director starting in 2018, Family Design Resources embarked on a journey of self-reflection on its brand identity and strategic direction. To guide this initiative, the organization engaged PRworks in fall 2018 to conduct a comprehensive brand process including a brand audit, planning and brand strategy development, and brand implementation.

Judges praised the project’s “great methodology” and “creative, appropriate and integrated” tactics that led to “remarkable results.”

Read more: Case Study: Transforming a Social Service Agency Brand

Newsletter Communications for BJE Poultry

BJE Poultry is a nationally-recognized poultry business. From its beginning, poultry growers have trusted BJE Poultry to be a stable, reliable company. But the COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to challenges that created a sense of uncertainty among the company’s growers. BJE Poultry’s leadership team turned to PRworks to develop and implement strategies to address those challenges through improved communications with the company’s employees, growers and partners. One of the tools PRworks employed is a bi-monthly newsletter for BJE’s growers.

Judges appreciated “the detail of the steps involved in creating the newsletter” and praised that the newsletters were “easy to read and colorful” and had “great and diverse content.”

About PRSA Central PA’s Keystone Awards

Entries for the Keystone Awards were evaluated by public relations professionals affiliated with the Southern Arizona chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.

PRSA is the nation’s largest professional organization serving the communications community with a mission to “make communications professionals smarter, better prepared and more connected through all stages of their career.”

The PRSA Central Pennsylvania Chapter was formed in 1959 and is one of the oldest chapters in the country. Its membership represents a diverse group of public relations professionals at all stages of their careers with a common desire for professional public relations practice and professional development.

Related Articles:

Case Study: Campaign Leads to Sold Out Premier of Original Play

Case Study: Transforming a Social Service Agency Brand

PRworks Earns Three Awards from PRSA Central PA Chapter

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